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organic meat

Veal, beef and soup chicken
An order:

Our products are not always. Therefore, our organic meat is only available on preorder. When the time comes, you will find on  posters around our farm or on our website under "What's new"  the exact dates.

We are also happy to offer our products for the catering trade . If you are interested, please contact us.

Organic – veal:

The calves are born with us and are fed with the best raw milk . In addition, they have hay and water available from birth to meet their natural needs.


In the first days of life, the calves are kept in so-called calf igloos so that they have enough time to recover from the birth, learn to drink independently and discover physical mobility .


After a few days they then switch to their conspecifics in the large group box . There the calves between the ages of one and fifteen weeks can let off steam together in the exercise area, lick salt on the salt stone or play with the hay ball .


 The slaughter takes place at a

approved slaughterhouse in Anif.

Due to the proximity of the slaughterhouse, there are no long transport times.

We offer the organic veal in 5 or 10 kg mixed packages ,

it contains:

Veal breast, veal mince, veal chops, veal rolled roast,

Veal escalope and veal goulash

​​ There are bones too, if you want!


Organic – Beef:

Once a year  we also offer organic beef from young cattle.

The cow was born on our farm and grows up on the farm.


First in the calf rearing and then in the pen .

In summer the animals are out on the pasture or on the alp . In winter they can enjoy the hay and silage in the playpen.


The slaughter also takes place at one

approved slaughterhouse in Anif.

Due to the proximity of the slaughterhouse, there are no long transport times.


We offer the organic beef in 5 or 10 kg mixed packages , which includes:

​ Roast beef, beef escalope, minced beef, beef sirloin, beef goulash and boiled meat

There are bones too, if you want them!

Organic soup chickens:

Our organic hens only lay eggs for a certain period of time. The laying performance gradually decreases and the flock is therefore replaced after a certain period of time.

For us, sustainable means that the chicken is still valued after its loyal service as a laying hen. That's why we offer soup chickens when the flock changes. 

The slaughter   takes place stress-free at our farm using a mobile slaughterhouse . The soup chickens are available whole and ready to cook.

A soup chicken weighs about 1-1.5 kg. 

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Ganzes Huhn
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